Wednesday, May 28, 2008

IF: Worry

Living in the Mid-West it's that great time of year again. Tornado season.
I have lived my whole life wanting to see one, but then there is the fact that I would be looking at a tornado.


flossy-p said...

Oh Jeez. I'd be worried too. I'm not sure I could cope with that. I saw the tornado reports on the news just the other night. The statistic of 1800 in a single season freaked the hell out of me. Mind you, I agree, seeing one in the flesh would be mind-blowing. They're such amazing looking things.

Your illo is great. I hope you get to see one from a distance on day, but wishing one never crosses your path, ever. Good luck.

MIKE said...

yep. that's a worry.

Connie said...

Love your lines and mark making. I grew up in the Midwest, just north of the tornado belt although one just missed us; besides nuclear war, this was one of our favourite anxieties.