Wednesday, May 28, 2008

IF: Worry

Living in the Mid-West it's that great time of year again. Tornado season.
I have lived my whole life wanting to see one, but then there is the fact that I would be looking at a tornado.

Friday, May 16, 2008

IF: Wide

This is what I would look like if it ever happened. Then I would find a gun and a baseball bat.

I plan on doing this more often, so keep your eyes posted to my blog.

Monday, November 12, 2007

IF: Scale

This was the first Digital based illustration I ever did. It was for a paralegal magazine The Reporter in an article about the rise of the paralegal profession in Brazil.

Monday, October 29, 2007

IF: Trick or Treat

This was originally an idea I had for a green childrens book, trying to convince children to take care of the environment before Polar Bears started moving in and trying to act like humans, and taking their skin. That might be a bit scary, so this worked out for a Halloween illustration.
Im still trying to get this digital thing